
iMoogle's Channel Revival

Hey friends! Hope you ladies and gentlemen had a wonderful Valentines Day. If you haven't been keeping up with the tragedy that struck my channel nearly two weeks ago, this is the post the read about it!

First off, if you don't know what the GSL is, it's a professional StarCraft II tournament that's hosted in Korea, but broadcasted internationally online with English commentary. Because of viewer limits and service fees, people resorted to re-streams of the live broadcasts. My channel happened to become one of the most popular live channels to stream the first two seasons of GSL. Even after countless warnings by the commentator Tasteless about not to re-stream their casts, I was fearless and continued to do so.

After the second season ended, I decided to stop casting the GSL due to various reasons, such as a DMCA warning which resulted in a 24 hour suspension on my channel. After the suspension, I still had GSL clips and archived broadcasts of the first two seasons, but I figured they'd be too old for GomTV (the host of GSL) to even care about. Well, I was wrong -- closing in on the finals of Season 3, they initiated another sweep of all GSL channels and happened to pass by one of my old GSL clips (probably thanks to the search function of JTV) and demanded another DMCA violation to be placed.

Well, they got what they wanted. Kevin (an admin from JTV) wanted to talk to me about it the day before the ban took place, but I was too busy and couldn't contact him via Skype since I was working that day.

After many e-mails with Kevin, he promised to sort something out. So for the meantime I used my old alternate channel uMoogle. After almost two weeks, I felt that iMoogle may have been closed permanently. Kevin even said my archives might have been wiped off as well. I was heartbroken at the thought of all my highlights dating back to early 2009 being deleted forever.

But after one more e-mail, as a friendly reminder about my channel, and it seems the unban was already done but there was a bug taking place on the channel that prevented everyone from viewing it. So the bug was easily fixed and I got the channel back -- along with all the archives! And the first thing I did when I got home... was go through ALL of my archives and delete Every. Single. Video. that was related to the GSL. It took a long time, since there was a person who went by SeriousCallersOnly that highlighted nearly every match. So it probably took twice as long as it should. But really, it's a small price to pay. I'm just glad to keep my primary follower base and view count. And most importantly: the URL.

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